Day 5: Thursday, March 7, 2013
Weight: 131.8lbs – loss of 1.2lbs!
I was happy to see my weight in the 131 range when I got up early this morning. I had a good night’s sleep (yes, I slept at night last night!), and I think that had something to do with it, allowing the rest time to lose the weight. I hadn’t had so much sleep at once, like 7 hours, for so long. I definitely feel that the cardio workout yesterday evening was instrumental to the 1.2lb weight loss for today. I fear that I wouldn’t have lost much at all if I hadn’t done that (really exhausting) workout last night.
This morning I had to get up for a video shoot job that I had in North Van today and tomorrow. So it was a very unpredictable day. I was worried if I’d be able to go all day with just liquid, so I packed a few snack (a Lara bar and dried apple rings) with me, just in case. I made my green smoothie this morning before I left, but I didn’t have time to make my green juice, so I hoped it would be enough.
On the drive to North Van, I actually finished about 2/3 of my smoothie by the time I got there, plus, I was feeling lightheaded/headache-y, so that was worrisome. I was worried that I’d be like that all day and would have a hard time functioning at my work all morning. To combat the lightheaded feeling (feeling akin to low blood sugar), I felt like I had to have some solid food, so I dug into the Lara Bar, consisting of a whopping 230 calories with peanuts (high fat) and dates (high sugar). But I needed it! And then I stopped off at a supermarket on the way to pick up more sustenance, since I thought this might be a day where I would actually need some food to get me through it. I purchased a 450ml “Berry Boost†bottled smoothie, plus an iceberg lettuce “Asian†salad kit that was only 70 calories per 2.5 cups. Yes, I was going to eat salad if I needed it!
By the time I started the job, I was feeling okay, and not hungry at all. It was nearly a 7 hour work day and it took me some time to finish my green smoothie; I didn’t even start on the berry smoothie until near the end – and I only got through 2/3 of it in the whole day. Didn’t even want the salad, so that’s in my fridge, now. Tomorrow I’m going to make an effort to have the time to make my green juice before I leave for work. Near the end of the job, my head was hurting again – more detoxification!
On my way home, I decided to visit one of my favourite thrift stores, just to see if they happened to still have a nice dress there that I saw a few weeks ago (but didn’t have time to try on or buy at the time). It was gone, but there was lots of other nice stuff there, and I decided to allow myself to treat myself for all the hard work this week, so I tried on a bunch of dresses and a few skirts that I would let myself buy if they fit and looked good. There was the most awesome emerald green ball gown there – a size 12 – which SHOULD have fit me. In fact, I didn’t doubt that it would, since size 12 is usually a bit too big for me, even in dresses. But, unfortunately, it didn’t, and this was really disappointing to me because when I tried it on, it was so beautiful and actually looked good on me. BUT, it wouldn’t zip all the way in the back! I hate this. Makes me feel very inadequate and fat when I can’t even fit into a garment that should be big on me – not too tight. I even considered buying it anyways, to grow into it, but it was $25 so I decided not to.
In any case, I had already done this with another beautiful ball gown (size 11/12) which I had purchased from the same store last month, which also doesn’t fit me, with the intention of getting myself down to 125lbs one day to wear it, which is the weight I estimate I need to be for it to zip up in the back. (why is my back so fat?) I know – you must be thinking: “What do you need a ball gown for anyways?†I don’t! I just like clothes and allowing myself to indulge in clothes at thrift stores is one of my very few guilty pleasures. It’s recycling, so it’s not bad. I ended up buying 2 skirts and 3 dresses (that all fit). There will be another green dress one day, if I ever make it to 120lbs (my estimate, for fitting into it). And anyways, I already have another fancy dress to aspire into!
And by the time I got home, in the late afternoon, I knew I couldn’t work out right then feeling like that, so I took a Tylenol and let myself take a 1 hour and 10 minute nap. It was just what I needed and the headache was gone when my alarm went off. I went to the gym and did 62 minutes of the Adaptive Motion Trainer for 504 calories. It was, again, really difficult to do this (I was really weak), but I felt marginally stronger than yesterday and was able to push myself to do the whole hour, and then some. I certainly hope that this makes a difference in my weight loss for tomorrow. I’m a bit worried because I consumed so much more today than any other day on this diet, but, when I look at the total numbers, it’s still quite a bit less than what I normally consume when I’m dieting and losing 1-2lbs a day. I just want to get to 130 by tomorrow so that I’m home free until Saturday! (since I don’t have time to exercise tomorrow)
Almost there. I’m thinking of all the food I want to make when I’m done this. I’ve been coming across so many good recipes, as usual, while on the internet this week, and I WANT!
Today’s calorie intake: Green smoothie (311) + Peanut Butter Lara bar (230) + 2/3 Boathouse Farms Berry Boost smoothie (161) = 702 calories + B12 vitamin
Today’s calorie expenditure via exercise: 504 calories